the difference between misdemeanors in the United States and South Korea

the difference between misdemeanors in the United States and South Korea

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the difference between misdemeanors in the United States and South Korea

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(1)The misdemeanor that we think is
(2)(3)Begging, etc
(4)Misdemeanor means misdemeanor in the United States
(5)Roughly, it means a crime that can result in up to 25 years in prison if it is severe for a year
(6)The U.S. president could be impeached if convicted of a felony or a misdemeanor, according to Wiki. The United States Constitutional provisions that the President may be impeached and subscribed

the difference between misdemeanors in the United States and South Korea

image text translation

(1)When it comes to misdemeanors in Korea, minor violations of laws, fines, and short detention, etc
(2)Misdemeanors in the United States can be sentenced to a crime that is not a felony and can be arrested, even if it is literally light
(3)I think it’s a translation issue
(4)There’s a separate word for misdemeanor
(5)Also, felony is a felony, which is usually translated as a felon
(6)Spitting on the side of the road is an infraction, and robbing convenience stores is treated as misdemeanors in Korea
(7)But if you say that it’s a misdemeanor to rob a mart in the U.S.
(8)In the United States, even if you rob a mart, you’re on the same level as spitting!That’s what I misunderstood. But that’s not it

Penalties for felony crimes by states in the United States

Texas $2500

California $950

the difference between misdemeanors in the United States and South Korea
image text translation

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