Koreans who are mad at YUNA who is shopping in Korea

Koreans who are mad at YUNA who is shopping in Korea

image text translation

(1)ER Baseball III
(2)Osaka Style. Osaka Style. J
(3)ER Daegu 3
(4)in a movie
(5)It’s a mink hat
(6)EP Daegu 3
(7)How much is this?
(8)ER Daegu 3
(9)200 thousand won
(10)EP Daegu 3
(11)a price that causes a headache on its own
(12)ER Daegu 3
(13)We’re almost there150,000 won! 130,000 won!
(14)Hmm, 0,000 won!
(15)After intense economic negotiations between Korea and Japan
(16)Let’s go for 120,000 won
(17)Boss! Thank you
(18)This is really mink
(19)- Wow, thank you
(20)Checking the tag
(21)TER Daegu CO
(22)This is a made-in country
(23)Look. Ask me
(24)It’s because the market is doing business like that, that’s why you’re a foreigner
(25)It’s 200,000 won. It’s not slippery when you sing the rest price
(26) user-hp5zo9fg2f 7 minutes ago
(27)Can you explain your cap? Someone put on the market cap
(28)Starch user-uv3ci8ts3z8
(29)I won’t buy that hat even if you give it to me for 10,000 wonLOL. Like a market
(30)Don’t buy anything there
(31)9 minutes ago user-xq3qv1w5n
(32)The hat seller is so unconscionable
(33) user-tj8pz3jt2t44
(34)Please give me an expert’s answer If that’s the mink
(35)I saw someone call me 200,000 won
(36)I wanted to make porridge, but I’m not an expert
(37)1:00 a.m. K_Sonic
(38)He’s from Adaegu, and he’s 200,000 won from his mother-in-law
(39)I’ve never heard of it for the first time in my life. It’s 200,000 won, but how much is the actual margin of cutting it to the original price? I’m going to be called the Big Dipper’s Samarambae. I’m the boss
(40)I sang a review
(41)The good person who made a great speech while waiting for the 13th
(44)Don’t be more impressiveIt’s perfect, Mr. Conscience
(45)If the store goes bankrupt, it’s going to be so fast
(46)Honestly, I want someone to go to that store and review it
(47)-15 minutes 893 pl9
(48)Are you sure you bought a hat? It’s expensive, but if it’s 130,000 won, it’s really
(49)I’m not going to do five
(50)Before soomin241117
(51)Oh, when I searched Mink Hat Ali, it was around 30,000 won
(52) wgyim 44 minutes ago
(53)It’s a hat

I heard it’s my first time going to a traditional Korean market

When I saw you buy a hat, it was originally 200,000 won, but you said you don’t have money, so I’ll give you 130,000 won off

People are saying that hats are so expensive. They’re all talking about hats

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