Something that’s stolen a lot from Korea

Something that's stolen a lot from Korea

image text translation

(1)I caught an old lady stealing pot from the store before
(2)I remember you telling me not to worry because I’ll raise your young man well. What are you talking about
(3)오전 10202021 5 10 Twitter for iPad
(4)2899 retweets. 40 tweets cited. I like it 1232 times
(5)On a rainy day, I was holding a flowerpot to get some rain
(6)I was about to take away the flowerpot that an old lady was holding
(7)He said he was going to raise itLaughing
(8)What is it? Plant Hunter
(9)chichan kasiwagi011일
(10)I caught an old lady who was stealing pot from the store before, and she told me not to worry because I’ll raise her well. What are you talking about, old lady
(11)오전 1128 · 2021 5 10 Twitter for iPhone
(12)776 retweets. I like 8 tweets cited 150th episode of “Men in Blvd.”
(13)a woman who pulls out a tree from the roots
(14)a woodcutter in the city that disappears slowly
(15)a man whose tree was stolen
(16)I went to work around 7 in the morning, but there were no trees
(17)He covered it with a big stone
(18)The fact that I uprooted the tree from the flower bed
(19)It was literally ridiculous
(20)Men in Blvd
(21)We’re in the same neighborhood. We’re here to reach an agreement
(22)”I took one of these, and how can it be a problem?”
(23)I was so sad
(24)Considering this
(25)You’re doing your best


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