Korean Bathroom Culture in Germany

Korean Bathroom Culture in Germany

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(1)In fact, there’s no mixed bath culture in Korea

Korean Bathroom Culture in Germany

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(1)It’s very interesting

Korean Bathroom Culture in Germany

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(1)Is it common in Germany

Korean Bathroom Culture in Germany

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(1)Yanes, yes, it’s common

Korean Bathroom Culture in Germany

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(1)Yannes, go to a sauna with a man and a woman
(2)Why do you think Korea is weird

Korean Bathroom Culture in Germany

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(1)Yanes! Is it separated by any chanceHow is it

Korean Bathroom Culture in Germany

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(1)It’s completely separated

Korean Bathroom Culture in Germany

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(1)The entrance to the city is different

Korean Bathroom Culture in Germany

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Korean Bathroom Culture in Germany

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(1)Dongyeop, why are you doing that

Korean Bathroom Culture in Germany

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(1)Dongyeop, you’re right

Korean Bathroom Culture in Germany

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(1)Why are you doing that We are!

Korean Bathroom Culture in Germany

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(1)From now on, Yanes
(2)I hope it changes a bit

Korean Bathroom Culture in Germany

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(1)an example of a partnership

Korean Bathroom Culture in Germany

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(1)Si Kyung, no, it’s a big difference

Korean Bathroom Culture in Germany

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(1)We got used to it

It’s just a bath

I don’t understand why the men’s and women’s baths are separated

Even when the camera was running because we were filming

I don’t care about women, but I’m still naked

We need to implement it here asap.

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