The Difficulty of Travel to Korea, China and Japan by Americans

The Difficulty of Travel to Korea, China and Japan by Americans

image text translation

(1)The best place to travel in Asia is China, Korea and Japan
(2)Three countries are the most culturally advanced
(3)There’s a lot to see. The priorities are different for each person
(4)I recommend traveling in the order of Japan > Korea > China
(5)The transportation fee is expensive in Japan, but I am satisfied with everything
(6)I was swindled by a taxi in Korea and China
(7)But it was easier to travel to Korea than China
(8)It’s hard to tie up an East Asian trip at once
(9)If you want to go, it’s better to go to Japan -> Korea and
(10)If I can afford it, I would go to China. China is Korea
(11)It’s hard to travel with Japan, so make sure to schedule well
(12)Japan is mostly expensive, but it is safe and there are many things to see
(13)The transportation cost in Korea is cheaper than in Japan, but the other things are similar
(14)China is cheaper than Japan and Korea, but there are many cheaters, so you don’t have to worry about pickpockets in Korea and Japan
(15)Beijing has good security, but other cities are the worst
(16)If you have a guide, China is the best place to travel
(17)There are so many things to see, food is colorful, and the scenery is beautiful
(18)The city is beautiful, but if you don’t have a guide, you can go to Korea or Japan and most of the younger generation of Koreans can listen and understand English
(19)China was the most beautiful, but the security and hygiene were so bad. Beijing was really good, but the police stopped me several times
(20)There was a lot of racism against black people, but I recommended China because it was cheap and I had some good memories, so Korea and Japan were honestly a little boring
(21)If you are a woman who is interested in skincare, you can buy skin care products worth at least $300 for about $100, and if you add discounts, you can get 5 times more. I made a lot of money from skincare products
(22)If you ask for directions in Chinese, answer in Chinese
(23)If you ask for directions in Japanese, you run away or avoid snow
(24)If you ask for directions in Korean English, they will answer in English
(25)If you are a beginner in Asian travel, Korean intermediate is Japan, advanced is China
(26)If you plan to travel, you can travel to Japan and Korea at once
(27)It’s better to go to China separately if you travel on the 15th
(28)I’ll be in Korea on the 7th and come back by plane on the 7th. And next time, I’ll use the 15th and go to China
(29)It is crazy to visit Korea, China, and Japan in 15 days
(30)China is truly Asia. You can experience Asian culture 100 times
(31)Japan is only half asia and it is quite westernized
(32)Korea is the same as Boston. Starbucks has more than Boston
(33)If it’s a family trip, China
(34)If it’s a shopping-oriented trip, Korea
(35)If you want to take a picture, it’s
(36)If it’s your first trip, it’s definitely South Korea. If you can speak English, there’s no inconvenience in traveling, and the Internet environment is too free to speak
(37)There are so many gift items that I can’t choose one
(38)But don’t go to North Korea. You may never come back
(39)I’m Chinese-American, but don’t go to China
(40)China is a difficult place for black people to travel
(41)The best answer is to go to Japan and Korea
(42)The two countries are small in size, have similar culture, and have good security
(43)It’s close, so we can go back and forth in 3 hours
(44)Transportation is convenient and good for making good memories
(45)If you want to go to China, make sure to hire a guide
(46)Japan is a heaven of electronic devices and animation culture
(47)And I can eat beautiful scenery and delicious food
(48)I recommend Japan. Honestly, Korea was boring to play alone
(49)China – Jacky Chan
(51)Korea – BTS
(52)You have to go to Korea because you are an ARMY
(53)In Korea, food is expensive and transportation costs are low
(54)In Japan, food is cheap and transportation costs are expensive
(55)In China, food and transportation costs are low, but there are many cheaters
(56)If you’re confident you won’t fall for it, go to China
(57)If I stay in one city, I go to Japan
(58)If you want to go to many cities, go to Korea
(59)The Japanese you learned from animation is useless
(60)Even if you memorize K-pop, it’ll be useless
(61)I was molested in a Chinese club, but I didn’t take any action
(62)I didn’t get it. A crazy Chinese man put his hand in my underwear
(63)The embassy didn’t do anything, but Japan and Korea will do it
(64)He is kind. Especially, the Korean police could speak English
(65)I recommend soup or Japan
(66)I went to Seoul and Tokyo for 15 days 3 years ago
(67)Even though the trip was very high, I hope everyone is safe and there are many things to see
(68)What I want to teach you when I stay in Japan is to memorize Japanese
(69)I’m telling you to use a translator because you won’t understand even if you speak English
(70)But they are kind and frankly similar to Eastern America
(71)If you’re a K-pop fan, it’s Korea. Why do you
(72)I saw Nc around their agency T
(73)I recommend Taiwan, which is Chinese cultural Korea-Japan
(74)It’s somewhere in the middle of Taiwan
(75)Good security, good traffic, good food, good taste
(76)If you want to go to Tokyo, you can visit the city
(77)You want to see the city in a cultural way. Go to Seoul
(78)If you go to Beijing, you want to experience a communist country where everything is controlled
(79)Be careful to shop if you go to Japan, their large size is
(80)If you want to buy our small Japan Eiyahara Suri T-shirt size
(81)Lock it. xx Size
(82)If you can afford it, hire a guide and enjoy a trip to Japan
(83)Do it all. 200 base. It was a college blanket
(84)Unlike other people, I don’t recommend travel countries
(85)There was a huge demonstration when I was away
(86)Even though it was an unspeakable spectacle, I could earn it in a hotel, but I took that picture
(87)That picture cost me 500 dollars. I couldn’t go out for two days
(88)I was so scared.
(89)If you like spicy food and like it –
(90)Sweet and salty – Japan
(91)ㅅ What does it taste like? If you want to experience something new – Chinese
(92)It is because China, Japan, and Korea are all advanced countries that will be satisfied and discriminated against in any country
(93)She was a mermaid, too
(94)If you don’t want to get personal details, make sure you get a mask
(95)Korea is easy to live in, but I don’t know much about traveling
(96)It’s hard to live in Japan, but it’s Japanese for travel. It’s a good country
(97)I don’t know because I haven’t been there


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