19:17 12/10/2023 Warsaw ends 2-4 Girona wins away from Warsaw to take sole lead in the league (c) C. (c) C
18:59 12/5/2023 Luton vs Arsenal end of game 4-3 Rice wins away to Luton with crazy theatre goal (c) C. (c) C
12:40 11/30/2023 Breaking News: Yoo Seung-joon’s visa issuance lawsuit confirmed to win the Supreme Court
13:45 11/27/2023 (SOUND)There will be a celebratory performance by Gamst to celebrate the victory of Manchester United
18:50 11/24/2023 (SOUND)Cologne vs Munich commentary game over! No replacement Munich 10 wins, c, c, c
02:52 11/23/2023 Court “The land of Lee Ki-yong, the descendants of the pro-Japanese group, is unjust enrichment”…a government victory