12:28 11/30/2024 Ukrainian Prime Minister: “I received $100 million from Korea”… Confirm provision of loan
08:47 11/30/2024 “”””Korea provides 139.8 billion won loan to Ukraine… First execution of KRW 2.9358 trillion agreement””””
15:49 11/29/2024 Ukrainian Prime Minister: “I received $100 million from Korea”… Confirm provision of loan
23:36 11/24/2024 Look at Trump… The U.S. government faces a dilemma regarding arms support to Ukraine.
03:22 11/22/2024 52% of Ukrainians say peace must be achieved through negotiations even if territory is conceded (comprehensive)
18:25 11/21/2024 Estonia must send troops to Ukraine/Britain and France can also lift missile restrictions
14:52 11/20/2024 Ukraine attacks mainland Russia for the first time with US long-range missile… Interception of 5 out of 6 shots [Comprehensive]
15:41 11/17/2024 [Breaking News] “”””Biden allows attacks inside Russia with long-range Ukrainian missiles”””” – NYT