12:16 08/11/2024 Tropical nights continue overnight (sweltering heat tomorrow, showers here and there, rising water temperature)
07:13 08/11/2024 Tomorrow, showers in the west (heat wave warning, good fine dust, heat wave again next week)
23:09 07/21/2024 Tomorrow, monsoon rain starting at night (sweltering heat nationwide, heat wave warning issued)
17:06 07/12/2024 Tomorrow, central heat wave warning (sweltering daytime, landslide forecast, fine dust good)
17:44 07/7/2024 The director is going hiking tomorrow and asked if I could pack five rolls of kimbap;;
23:17 06/27/2024 Tomorrow, monsoon rain in Namju (strong rain in Jeju and the southern coast, moderate fine dust)
06:11 06/20/2024 Tomorrow, the scorching heat peaks (Jeju’s first rainy season, you must drink water, fine dust is good)