20:27 12/1/2024 Blah) Survey on the perception of female college graduates among office workers (survey)
11:11 09/21/2024 “”””Seoul housing prices on fire, rising in the fourth quarter””””… Survey of 100 real estate experts
06:02 08/29/2024 FuncoolSec.jpg, currently ranked 1st in Japan Liberal Democratic Party president survey
23:30 07/21/2024 Breaking News] Prosecutor General Lee Won-seok “”””Recognizes preferential treatment in the investigation of the president’s wife””””
22:14 06/27/2024 Survey) Tap water (purifier) VS bottled water when boiling and rinsing bibim noodles
12:45 02/1/2024 During the prosecution investigation, I don’t recognize Jeon Cheong-jo and Nam Hyun-hee because she became pretty
17:33 01/8/2024 We were caught in a property investigation after we buried the materials in the ground
15:59 01/6/2024 A story about how 15 bullets disappeared from the military and was investigated for a month