04:19 07/21/2024 A year later, the galbi lion, Barami, was rescued after being trapped in an indoor zoo for 7 years and taken to the Cheongju Zoo.
17:06 06/22/2024 It’s been 1 year and 3 months since we rescued this dog, but we didn’t let him touch it, so his toenails were broken and he couldn’t even dream of taking a bath.
19:07 06/1/2024 Looking at the underground structure of Yellowstone and Mt. Baekdu [feat.Ulleungdo].jpg
16:04 12/14/2023 The revenue structure of gender as seen by the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family
23:30 12/11/2023 There is a desperate need for a social response to online harassment by female journalists
08:25 11/26/2023 (SOUND)A house rescue in Japan is said to be very likely to be involved in an affair.mp4
10:31 10/14/2023 A female student hanging from the railing on the 11th floor of a fire apartment…Gyeonggi Fire Protection Dramatic Rescue