09:41 09/7/2024 Humor) Surprisingly, this was the punishment for catching a tiger during the Joseon Dynasty.
22:35 09/3/2024 Elementary school students who stole a kickboard and threw it from the 15th floor of an apartment… “”””No punishment””””
00:56 09/1/2024 Mandatory designation of neighborhood clinics on duty to be open on Chuseok. Severe punishment for those who disobey the order and close their doors hahahahahaha
08:03 08/31/2024 Breaking News) Approximately 6.8 million people who watched deepfakes will be punished
07:35 08/10/2024 [Exclusive] Suga rides an electric scooter with a maximum speed of 30 km per hour… “”””Punishable””””
02:05 08/9/2024 [Exclusive] “”””Sugar Scooter was not PM””””… Police, criminal punishment based on automobiles
23:15 07/21/2024 Female employee at Renault Son Gurak… Disciplinary action x wedding invitations handed out?
11:04 06/22/2024 If a division commander is punished for something like this, who will be the division commander?
18:51 06/19/2024 Why are students obedient in the United States, where there is no corporal punishment for children?
20:10 06/16/2024 Level of punishment for sexual crime perpetrators of Hell Chosun small and medium-sized enterprises