16:11 01/12/2025 Kwon Young-se “”””I will negotiate the Special Insurgency Prosecution Act, so please do not execute the arrest warrant””””
15:37 12/2/2024 Choo Kyung-ho “”””There will be no negotiations without an apology from the Democratic Party””””
08:48 12/2/2024 Presidential Office: “Negotiation is impossible unless the reduction is withdrawn”… Ministry of Strategy and Finance withdraws budget working-level staff
19:26 12/1/2024 Park Chan-dae “”””Will handle the reduced budget tomorrow””””. Choo Kyung-ho “”””There will be no additional negotiations””””
18:41 12/1/2024 President’s Office “”””There will be no negotiations on increasing the budget without withdrawing the independent budget reduction plan””””
03:22 11/22/2024 52% of Ukrainians say peace must be achieved through negotiations even if territory is conceded (comprehensive)
16:30 04/19/2023 Baemin rider delivery fee should be raised to 4,000 won…a strike in the event of a breakdown in negotiations
23:11 05/20/2022 The Fair Trade Commission has launched an investigation into the controversial luxury goods maker