11:18 06/5/2024 Womad mocks a dead trainee and makes a hero of a female company commander who murdered him
19:39 05/30/2024 “”””I cried when I went to Fubao, but I made fun of the trainee when he died””””…Seoul National University student’s angry post
20:24 01/25/2024 German netizen mocked Klinsmann’s appointment as “I pray for the rest of Korean soccer.”
16:47 01/10/2024 Mocking grandmothers affected by Japanese Military Sexual Slavery…The comment that went over the line on the Asian Cup SNS
02:54 12/5/2023 Kim Eo-jun’s news factory, which ridiculed President Bluffing Nayun’s English, is severely punished
07:23 11/2/2023 When he was released, he boasted of being a “Prison Popular Man”…Appeals for mocking the prosecution’s public power