21:52 12/15/2024 Kim So-yeon: The audio of a female protocol officer who provided sexual services to Lee Jun-seok will be released sometime next week.
02:04 12/15/2024 Lee Jun-seok, “Considering running for presidential election early”. What to say when you meet Yoon Seok-yeol
19:45 12/5/2024 (SOUND)Lee Jun-seok “”””Yoon Seok-yeol talked about Gangnam Eonyang Bulgogi Restaurant for an hour””””
13:57 12/5/2024 Circumstances emerged that Lee Jun-seok staged a show in front of the National Assembly.
01:48 12/5/2024 Lee Jun-seok There are 6 people in the ruling party who have expressed support for impeachment.gisa
00:07 12/5/2024 It is said that Lee Jun-seok and Chun Ha-ram received a threatening text message with a picture of a kitchen knife.