20:35 01/16/2025 An intelligence officer who received a large sum of money and handed over the personal information of overseas black agents to China is sentenced to life imprisonment.
17:42 12/29/2024 Information Agency requests production of 170 People’s Military Uniforms by the first week of December
02:39 12/15/2024 [Exclusive] HID command system neutralization intelligence agency emergency martial law preliminary preparation circumstances (feat. Noh Sang-won)
10:38 12/13/2024 [Exclusive] “”””Kim Eo-jun’s ‘killing of Han Dong-hoon’ was an intelligence agent””””
04:19 08/6/2024 [Exclusive] Secret agent’s personal information revealed… “Submit all cell phones” An intelligence officer is obsessed with finding informants [Sniping]
13:44 07/31/2024 Military personnel who leaked the list of intelligence officers wrote it down on paper and transferred it.