21:44 02/4/2024 Son Heung-min scored a come-from-behind goal against Australia and watched the first row of free kicks
11:29 12/17/2023 Brentford v Villa Watkins come from behind(Round) (Round) (Round) (Round) (Round) (Round) (Round) (Round) (Round) (Round)
11:26 12/17/2023 Brentford v Villar-ear scores a come-from-behind goal and the players clash in groups (c) C
16:36 11/29/2023 Real v Napoli Bellingham Fantastic Come-from-behind Goal(Round) (Round) (Round) (Round) (Round) (Round) (Round) (Round) (Round) (Round)
16:58 11/7/2023 AC Milan vs Paris Milan Giroud Powerheader Reversal GoalDdddddddddddddddddd. Ddddddddddddddddddd
00:02 11/7/2023 (SOUND)Tottenham vs Chelsea Eventually Reacts To Tottenham Gamst To Allow Reversal Goal
17:20 11/6/2023 Tottenham vs Chelsea Chelsea. Jackson finally scored a come-from-behind goal (Singing “Shaking”. (Singing “Shaking”
15:33 02/16/2023 (SOUND)Eastar TV Manchester United’s come-from-behind goal Gamst x Lee Sang-ho x Song Young-joo’s reaction. (Laughs)
19:38 01/7/2023 Liverpool V Wolverhampton Wolverhampton come-from-behind goalL, l, l, l, l, l. L, l, l, l, l, l.
15:30 01/7/2023 Palace v Southampton Guitar Fatal Mistake Sutton Turnaround GoalL, l, l, l, l, l. L, l, l, l, l, l.