08:26 11/29/2024 New Genes contract termination returned to Hive as a boomerang. Right then, wrong now?
01:33 11/29/2024 (SOUND)New Jeans Haerin “”””We have no reason to pay a penalty. Responsibility lies with Adore and Hive.””””
05:14 11/28/2024 [Exclusive] New Genes holds emergency press conference to terminate exclusive contract, Hive didn’t know either
23:40 11/19/2024 [Full text] Min Hee-jin leaves Adore… “It will be recorded in the history of Hive atrocities.”
10:09 11/14/2024 If Hive doesn’t bring back Min Hee-jin, they will definitely file a lawsuit against New Jeans.jpg Haha.