14:37 12/21/2024 A YouTuber who experimented with a bug that can cause burns just by brushing against it.
06:58 12/19/2024 An experiment that shows that even if you know the future in a day, you won’t have much success
07:48 12/2/2024 Walking the streets of Tokyo, Japan wearing ”white socks”… Cleanliness test results ”surprising”
18:22 09/12/2024 Life science professor who experimented with low-carb, high-fat diet on his own body.jpg
08:46 09/7/2024 “”””If you pay half the price of a movie, you can watch it more.”””” Looking at the results of the experiment…
21:48 09/4/2024 An experiment to eliminate resistance at room temperature and pressure using the power of electric charge.jpg
04:11 08/22/2024 (SOUND)Experiment to see if a woman’s nose bleeds like in a cartoon when she shows her breasts