23:07 11/23/2024 Dongduk Women’s University Class of 2017 graduates have fallen to the level of a bird’s egg.
21:52 11/23/2024 Ewha Womans University students react to Ewha Womans University’s statement of solidarity from Dongduk Women’s University
20:34 11/23/2024 We will find the culprit with 300 CCTVs installed in 2018 by Dongduk Women’s University
13:49 11/23/2024 A fight broke out while trying to erase Dongduk Women’s University lacquer with acetone.jpg
13:32 11/23/2024 An article on the situation in which a Dongduk Women’s University professor threatened a student
12:01 11/23/2024 The lawyer who participated in the Dongduk Women’s University incident has amazing qualifications.
21:56 11/22/2024 Violent protesters at Dongduk Women’s University made music professors bow down and read the feminist club declaration.