22:57 01/11/2025 [Exclusive] Telegram provides IP and phone numbers of 658 people involved in crimes to the Korean government
19:08 01/10/2025 ”I committed a crime because I was ignored” The temperature difference between men and women
16:30 01/7/2025 Telegram discloses information on people involved in Korean crimes for the first time
16:11 01/6/2025 ???: “”””Just as the subject of investigation is shopping, it is a crime to block the investigative agency with the power of a warrant issued by the court.””””
05:23 12/29/2024 The protest in front of National Assembly member Park Soo-young’s office was dispersed after 9 hours… Representative Park: “We will hold people accountable for their criminal actions.”
08:44 12/10/2024 The reason behind the assassination of the insurance company CEO is increasingly being revealed.
16:31 12/8/2024 Choo Kyung-ho “”””The martial law declaration was wrong. The Democratic Party’s sins are not light either.
21:47 12/7/2024 Is there a difference in the power of a special prosecutor and a permanent special prosecutor?
19:37 11/3/2024 The suspect in the Bukhan River ”cut body” is a professional soldier in his 30s, who admitted to the crime after being arrested.
10:53 10/31/2024 Soop CEO Chan-yong Jeong “Don’t hold the platform responsible for BJ crimes… Excel Broadcasting no problem””””