20:58 12/9/2024 Jaeseop Kim: I hope that one-sided remarks will not be covered in articles or anything like that.
19:08 12/9/2024 Responses to the article said that many people in their 20s and 30s showed up at the rally.
05:09 12/8/2024 The excavator driver who cleared the snow from the convenience store after giving us a dining area
01:00 12/8/2024 Sang-Hyun Yoon “”””He must carry out his duties as president… The suspension is Han Dong-hoon’s personal opinion.”
06:38 12/2/2024 An excavator driver who cleared all the snow from the convenience store after giving us a dining area.
07:01 11/29/2024 The situation where the coordinates of the driver behind the Dongduk Women’s University protest siren were captured ㄷㄷ
13:32 11/23/2024 An article on the situation in which a Dongduk Women’s University professor threatened a student
13:13 11/22/2024 Chosun Ilbo article received over 70 highly recommended and 470 interesting comments
05:59 11/17/2024 Following the housekeeping manager… Seoul City promotes foreign drivers for village buses