12:47 07/4/2023 Yoon Tae-young, the golden spoon in the entertainment industry, is hard to make money on public TV shows
05:36 05/6/2023 Gold spoon and chopsticks elementary school student vs. soil spoon and chopsticks elementary school student
16:05 05/5/2023 a controversy that is replacing the controversy over the gold spoon and chopsticks these days
08:46 11/20/2022 The golden spoon that I messed up on the college entrance exam and made a mistake while drinking
13:09 11/16/2022 Gold spoon to get monthly rent while playing vs no spoon to get monthly rent as soon as you earn it
06:25 10/16/2022 The reason why gold spoons are so ridiculous to talk about selling seven days’ worth of money.jpg