image text translation
(1)Noiseimage text translation
(9)The fashion fantasy of Domenico Dolje and Stefano Gabbana: and their Hambasadegayoung and Toyoung
(10)City ~ State
(1)All body_image text translation
(11)Up”Where are you?
(12)The fashion fantasy of Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana and their ambassadors Gayoung and Doyoung]
image text translation
(1)Pew0pimage text translation
(1)[Suma Castle–image text translation
(3)55 theory
(4)Jiyenon:-: degrees
(5)Myo^ Lee.–Geu
(6)1st degree–[
image text translation
(1)cowimage text translation
(1)” image text translation
image text translation
image text translation
(1)Yeriker_:image text translation
(1)):-`image text translation
(1)Jang (hyung)image text translation
(2)Enjoyed it
image text translation
(1)1+ (1):-small buffalo-yo (1)Shame;~ni (1)’16 (1)Now, now~| (1);Babbaem (1)(Chapter) Osho (1)Like~| (1){<} (1)1-yo (1)81 !image text translation
(2)image text translation
image text translation
(2)Like image text translation
(2)[likeimage text translation
(3)frameimage text translation
image text translation
(2)(yes&image text translation
(2)Collyimage text translation
image text translation
image text translation
(3)Sa-mulne-jeongimage text translation