a characteristic of being lazy and having a lot of daughters

a characteristic of being lazy and having a lot of daughters

image text translation

(1)Lazy, daughter-like characteristic txthttpstheqoonet878394001
(2)Unknown Doucu 10-01 views 19700
(3)Characteristics of the girls who play a lot
(4)Of course, men basically have a lot of sexual desire
(5)But some people don’t hit their daughter at all
(6)But there are a lot of people who play a lot. These days, there are more people
(7)Why is that happening
(8)be in a state of not doing one’s job
(9)the state of avoiding a head-to-head match
(10)In other words, most of them are scaredy-cat people, so they have to do it themselves
(11)They’re incredibly scared to do what they’re going to do
(12)I can’t even try because I’m afraid of what I have to do
(13)Even if it starts, it doesn’t last more than three days
(14)So it’s become a habit to give up
(15)I only found things that were easy to get results and pleasure
(16)Ex daughter’s entertainment violence shopping addiction explosion
(17)The only solution = head-to-head
(18)Just don’t shy away from anything you need to do, go head-to-head and do what you need to do
(19)She’s not doing what she needs to do, so she doesn’t know what to do, so she’s playing pretty hard at that time
(20)The moment of whether to do something or not is a non-existent moment
(21)It just exists whether or not you just did it
(22)Go head-to-head! Don’t avoid it! The more you avoid it, the more you go a long way
(23)We have to turn around
(24)What exists is something that needs to be done
(25)I can’t get away with it! Take it! There’s no such thing as a thought
(26)It’s only what you have to do to exist
(27)■ Run immediately
(28)The easiest way to do your job is to think about it
(29)It’s an immediate execution
(30)As soon as you think about whether to do it or not, you’ll have a lot of mental pain
(31)The things you decide to do can take your life to the next level when you put up with the pain and do itIf we can’t do this, we’re always in the same spot
(32)Is there a result
(33)The only way to change people is the result
(34)I’ll split it into smaller units that I can handle
(35)If you get the results of the little things
(36)The results gave you the power to move forward
(37)make someone live hard on his own
(38)In other words, the result is the same as the oil of a car
(39)■ Thinking ↑ – Action ↓
(40)The more I think about it, the more I can’t do anything
(41)You have to get rid of it before you think about it
(42)Immediate Start
(43)If you think about it, you think it’s definitely possible
(44)And you have to think only of good things
(45)If you don’t do this, you’ll only have negative thoughts
(46)become the life of a barrel
(47)Just looking out of the window doesn’t make any difference
(48)■ Why you don’t have to worry about your life
(49)at one’s best
(50)in the worst case scenario
(51)There is only work to be done before me
(52)I’m out of business, and if I can do it right now, that’s all I need to do
(53)That’s all you need to do
(54)Even if I think about countless days, the final conclusion is
(55)It’s just doing what needs to be done
(56)■ Characteristics of those who want to kill themselves
(57)1 Avoid doing what needs to be done
(58)Most of them are skittish styles
(59)2 I avoid doing what I have to do, so I have nothing to do
(60)I’ll just think of you as a life expectancy
(61)3 Whether you’re trying to solve it with the thought of gathering
(62)Nothing gets better when I try to solve it only by thinking
(63)I don’t have 4 thousand days, so I’ll make sure you’re completely ruined
(64)I feel like I’m completely out of my mind
(65)I’m trying to get out of it by doing 6, but I don’t know if I already put the lid on
(66)Even if you open it, it’s not in a state where it’s oversized, but it’s become light
(67)lethargic, completely habitful
(68)7 You can’t start anything that’s in the final stage of completion
(69)enter the stage of
(70)At this time, the word suicide comes up dozens of times
(71)He keeps saying to himself that he’s going to kill himself
(72)It’s a bit awkward
(73)9. From now on, I’ll start using violence against my family
(74)10 Dice Wirams are gone
(75)11 Focus on the pleasure of delivering results in a short period of time
(76)Gambling for his daughter to waste money on barbs and binge drinking
(77)The 12s are the final destination, Mapo Daegyo
(78)So many of them are homeless
(79)a lonely end
(80)Some people think that they’re trying to get a good result
(81)They are as lazy as possibleIt’s a very dangerous thing, Your Excellency, but that’s how it works
(82)It’s good for people who don’t take care of it
(83)Good-natured, but for young people
(84)be a way of naming
(85)They’re like those who have a lot of thoughts
(86)There is only one extreme method
(87)If you’re focused on thinking
(88)If I have time to think about it, I can’t decide, so the start is
(89)be bad at
(90)To them, their own worries are poison
(91)the definition of agony
(92)- You can’t decide. – Repeating. – Start
(93)I don’t know how to do it
(94)I’m thinking about the military training camp
(95)If you go into the military training center, you’ll give me a second to think about it
(96)I’ll never be able to do anything that would never seem like a job, over and over again
(97)I keep telling you that. I don’t feel it when I use it for a while. I know why. If you give me time to think about it, I’ll tell you right away
(98)Even if you don’t give me time, or if you don’t get nervous
(100)I want to go home
(101)I want to crawl out
(102)Spacing out = Worst
(103)Don’t let it go even for a second
(104)The moment you make a plan, you just start
(105)Don’t get cold for a second
(106)It should be something to doIf I throw it away, I’ll make a resolution
(107)It’s about doing it and getting it
(108)And as a result, water givesYou just have to do it to get the momentum going forward
(109)The moment you plan and feel it, it becomes something you don’t want to do
(110)It’s become a burden that the brain rejects
(111)It doesn’t matter if it’s a small worry or a big worry
(112)Obstacles larger than my height If I stand in my way, I’m only 50 centimeters taller than my height, I’m 50 centimeters
(113)Whether it’s bigger or not, I said, “Let’s see an obstacle.”
(114)As soon as it’s big, I’m worried about whether it’ll go overboard or not
(117)Regardless of the height of the obstacle, I bump into it to get over it
(118)Guess what. The final thing is to get 10 worries and do it more than to do it all over the place
(119)I’m going to make a decision on the date of 2-3 and give you a lot of things
(120)Go Gyeong-jeong
(121)Watery results
(122)The reason is that the power of action is more than you think
(123)It’s because
(124)There’s a saying that if you start, the road will open
(125)1 Important Key Points for Implementation
(126)I’ll never have to start with a monster with a brain
(127)As soon as I realize this, I’m going to tell you that it’s possible to do it, and if it’s like a bullet floating in the speed, it pops out, and it becomes a habit to start like a bullet, and it becomes a step where you can do anything
(128)I’m going to hold it
(129)Just a week in the middle of the night
(131)wet and dry
(132)Easy start
(133)It’s better than when you work
(134)You’ll find yourself doing more That’s
(135)The power of execution. Don’t tell me to do it. Split it into the smallest stages
(136)HJ: I think it’s easy to do that
(137)Mindfulness is something you don’t want to do
(138)So never feel it. Just start for a half week
(139)It’s a waste of time that you’ll find yourself starting everything at once if you practice your speed
(140)It’s stuck
(141)Even if it’s not for me and me
(142)What are you doing? Start!Right now!

a characteristic of being lazy and having a lot of daughters

image text translation

(1)It’s clean water. 2024-01-0996352861170
(2)That was a good one. I’m going to get a daughter right away. 5 recommendations
(3)Hara Dad 2024-01-09 133600
(4)Let’s smile the best
(5)It’s almost the same personality that I fixed while being lazy. If you think about it, don’t find an excuse to not do it. Just before last year’s Eve, I thought wrong about whether I should exercise or go hiking, so I climbed the snow mountain without any preparation. Now I wake up in the morning and think I should do it. I have to prepare and go down. This road is dangerous if I go down without Eisen. I came down really slowly. But after I realized it, I felt warmed up. So I bought Eisen in the next week and felt cool again

It’s like a Yes Man workout

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