A Kingdom Cartoon

A Kingdom Cartoon

image text translation

(1)Once upon a time, once upon a time, there was a kingdom
(2)In the deep forest overlooking the palace
(3)There was a girl living!

A Kingdom Cartoon

image text translation

(1)She used to open the window and say hello to the sun every morning
(2)Hi, ID Haet
(3)When the warm sun touches my cheeks
(4)She used to sing in joy

A Kingdom Cartoon

image text translation

(1)She dipped her feet in the flowing stream
(2)I used to talk to my forest friends
(3)All the animals and plants were her friends
(4)That’s why you got angry
(5)But it’s precious
(6)I gave an acorn to my friend
(7)If I gave way
(8)What would it have been like

A Kingdom Cartoon

image text translation

(1)The people of the kingdom are all looking for her in the forest
(2)I called him crazy


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