image text translation
(1)Cough Cough Cough Special Bottle Tobacco Instrument Bar
(2)First of all, I moved to the army in May 2017
(3)I did it until January 2019
(4)A story about the absurdity of the special forces
(5)I’m going to solve the irrationality
(6)a list of irrationalities
(7)Memorize the license for a first bottle
(8)2. Talent show that allows the appointment at the time of starting the game
(9)And there was another impressive thing
(10)The third tobacco instrument bar. This happened at our company
(11)3 Cigarette instrument bar
(12)It’s a great job. A heavyweight came to the recruit
(13)Hey, I like you
(14)I’m asking if you smoke
(15)So now the recruits are yes! I like cigarettes
(16)a first bottle of Lycene
(17)2. Talent show that allows the appointment at the time of starting the game
(18)Because at Nonsan Training Center
(19)One bottle license memorization license two. Permission to select when leaving the field
(20)Talent Show 3 Cigarette Musical Instruments Bar
(21)Because I couldn’t continue to smoke
(22)a list of irrationalities
(23)Memorabilia 1 Cho Byung-rae
(24)The friends who used to smoke
(25)2. A talent show, a tobacco musical instrument bar, is allowed to be appointed at the time of departure
(27)I’m thirsty
(28)a sense of memorization
(29)I’m going to say that I like it
(30)an undercover soldier
(31)2. A talent show that allows appointment at the time of departure. Tobacco instrument bar
(32)I go out to the smoking area and let him play the instrument
(33)Hey, I’m going to eat the Marines
(34)List of Irregularities Table 1 First Class Lycene Memorabilia 2 Talent Show 3 Tobacco Musical Instruments Bari
(35)Special forces use cigarettes to play musical instruments
(36)He put it down, and he said that he was in gold
(37)Sit down and smoke
(38)List of Irregularities Table 1 Recall of Cottage Licenses 2 Allowance for Appointment at the Time of Attending a Ball of Talent Show 3 Tobacco Musical Instruments Bar
(39)I couldn’t smoke at the Nonsan training center
(40)List of irrationalities
(41)Memorizing the license of 1 candle bottle 2 Allowing appointment when going out, talent show 3 Tobacco musical instrument bari
(42)I think he’s been good enough to smoke
(43)List of Irregularities Table 1 Memorizing the Licence of the Sentinel
(44)2. Talent show allowed to be appointed at the time of departure 3. Cigarette instrument bar
(45)I smoke seven cigarettes in a row on the spot
(46)Memorize 1 herb bottle license 2 Permission to appoint when going out 3 Tobacco musical instrument bar
(47)He was admitted to the hospital with acute tonsillitis
(48)Listing Cookery Department
(49)Memorizing the 1st bottle of the first bottle, Lysense, 2 Allowing for Senior Appointment when Attending the Balloon Show 3, Cigarette musical instrument bari
(50)I remember that