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3.2 million YouTubers, Ji-Moo-Bee’s monthly profit


3.2 million YouTubers, Ji-Moo-Bee's monthly profit

image text translation

(1)a human story
(2)- Jimoobi. – Yes
(3)Among Korean YouTubers
(4)”It says 157th place”
(5)Among movie YouTubers
(6)”I’m 393rd in the world”
(7)The one I invested in is a microphone that costs 200,000 won
(8)”That’s the only thing I have”
(9)I failed the final interview at Kookmin Bank
(10)”I wouldn’t have been a YouTuber if I was there”
(11)”How can you be more unhappy than this?”
(12)I’ll find out later that it was the best luck.”
(13)”It could be a result”
(14)Cafe greening
(15)Sendwich Salad
(16)If you have 3 million subscribers
(17)How much is it going to be
(18)”Where I was going to get a job,”
(19)M Woo Young’s Pracons
(20)”I think I earn 34 times more than my annual salary.”
(21)He’s talking about it in a month “Yes, yes”
(22)M. Woo Young’s Pras
(23)a premature organ
(24)”I wanted to be a flight attendant and a banker”
(25)30 billion won in start-up costs
(26)Verified Korean Brand Korean Food Table
(27)34 times the salary of an office worker
(28)Kim Yong-han’s Korean Brand Korean Food Table
(29)”You earn more than 100 million won a month”
(30)300 million won for starting a business. 200 million won Korean food brand Korean food table
(32)”On average, I think that’s true.”
(33)Rather, failing the final interview was a stroke of God


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