image text translation
(1)You don’t have to be responsible for your parents’ emotional well-being
(2)No, they’re independent adults who were born decades before you
(3)You don’t have to try to get everyone’s consent
(4)If you try, the person who doesn’t agree with you will have all the initiative
(5)You can control other people’s madness
(6)I don’t, but at least I can decide how close I’ll be to other people’s circus
(7)If you’re not in a comfortable state, why are you making other people
(8)Should I make you feel more comfortable than you
(9)Think of yourself as an orange And everything
(10)It’s not like people like oranges
(11)Think about it. They don’t know oranges
(12)What I like is that the orange is rotten or has a flaw
(13)It’s not because we have different tastes