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How to remember the coach Son Heung-min trusted and followed


Coach Ventrone was the coach who came to Tottenham with Conte

In an interview, Son Heung-min said, “I’m going to take care of my physical strength coach, Ventrone.”

“Ventroné makes me sick and tired

have a really good relationship

“Coach Bentlaw, who has the wisdom of life, is a person who gives me a lot of good advice

He really helped me a lot

He always gave me a hug when I was having a hard time His debt is beyond description

Coach Ventrone and the players were very close to each other

A year ago, when Bentrowne left with sudden acute leukemia

The Tottenham team was in great sorrow

The last interview with the Italian media before Ventron’s death

Compliments for Son Heung-min and the content that needs to be trained

Ventrone’s affection for Son Heungmin was full

Martina, coach Ventrone’s daughter, gave an interview to talk about Son Heung-min’s touching story

I revealed it

“While my father was busy in Tottenham Hotspur

When I was diagnosed with leukemia, I felt like the world had collapsed

My father’s surgery was too much for my family to afford

I was thinking of disposing of the house I live in

Son Heung-min was the only player who approached my family who had a hard time at the time

“No one noticed until a week before my father died

That’s why I continued to work as Tottenham coach

But just then, Son Heung-min asked his father what happened, saying he didn’t look well

After hearing the whole situation, I gave my hand

It was a huge amount of money, so I couldn’t get it anywhere

Son Heung-min was willing to send money for his father

Although my father passed away, I will never forget what my family received from Sonny

Son Heungmin is

On behalf of his slowly forgotten coach, Ventroné, on the occasion of the first anniversary of the late Ventroné

He sent his son a uniform with his writing on it

I hope you’re proud of me

I miss you and thank you for treating me like your son

I love you, Gian Piero

Remembering the first anniversary of Ventron’s death


The whole world is Son Heungmin

Son Heungmin is Korea

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