a doctor marked with an X

A woman who lives alone has an X mark on the ceiling in front of her house and a camera one day

A woman who thought it was weird called the police

Police set up CCTV in front of the gate

The unsub retrieved the CCTV installed in front of the woman’s house, peed, and put his ears in front of her eyes

The culprit is a senior doctor who works at the same university hospital

It’s because of a good feeling. It’s crazy [Laughing] [Laughing]

The introduction of CCTVs in the operating room and the cancellation of licenses for doctors with problems must be implemented

a doctor marked with an X
image text translation

(1)I caught a suspicious X in front of the door

a doctor marked with an X

image text translation

a doctor marked with an X

image text translation

(1)a victim of Mr
(2)It was shocking and insulting

a doctor marked with an X

image text translation

(1)A senior doctor at the same university hospital committed the crime

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