선요약brbr코인충을 모두 죽여 동해 어장에 물고기밥으로 줘야함brbr원래 업계에 있었는데 작년 12월에 좋좋소인척 하는 팀이 휘청하다 해산해서 전업투자하는 실업자 생활 1년 거의 다 채운 실직자임brbr좋좋소 노예는 모델만 해선 살아남을수 없어서 포샵 일러스트 프리미어 에펙 애니메이션도 함brbr 와 샌 아니 맥북!For brbr modelers, Mac is pretty trash. Brbr. If you want to model it, buy a desktop. Brbr. If you want to model it, you don’t recommend a workstation with huge details and size. Brbr. Compared to consumers, you can’t make a 3D video with that size. The pulse is really good! It’s not like no one doesn’t, but usually it’s pretty and light, so I use it for a long time. Brbrbr. But brbr. We didn’t have audio. Brbr. There was no good place to collaborate, so I don’t know why it’s good.