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Chinese kimchi has become an international standard…Huan Gu Xibao “The humiliation of the motherland Korea”


“Br” was born on the 24th after obtaining ISO approval from China, “Br” was officially created on the 24th by China’s Global Times, which specializes in the supervision of the Chinese market, as the international standard of kimchi industry was officially created by China-led kimchi industry, which has been absent from the establishment of international market standards since 2017 in China, China’s Global Times reports the supervision of the Chinese market.

환구시보는 이번 김치산업 국제표준은 중국이 주도해 제정한 것으로, 쓰촨四川성 메이산眉山시 시장감독관리국이 책임지고 이끌었다고 밝혔다. It also said China has established six food standards for the kimchi industry under the framework of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).

ISO aims to facilitate international exchange of products and services in various fields and to promote mutual cooperation and is not a government organization. Founded in 1946, it now has 165 member states and China is a permanent member of the ISO.According to the 시br>br>Hangu Times보에, China was led by the city of Mayshan, Sichuan Province, which accounts for more than half of the domestic kimchi industry, in April 2017 to promote the establishment of international standards for the kimchi industry. The work was accompanied by cooperation from China’s National Standards Commission, the China Institute for Standardization and the China Institute for Food and Fermentation.3br>bbr>>>br>>>br<2019 March, 2019 was adopted as an agenda item by experts from China, Turkey, Serbia, India, and Iran, and three months later, in June, it was officially proposed through a vote by the ISO Food Products Technology Committee on fruits, fruits, vegetables and derivatives.For more than a year after >br>
, the proposal stage NPNPNP Committee draft stageCDCDCD Steps to seek opinions from draft version안의DIS →DIS → After listening to the opinions of experts from each member country, ISO 24220 International Standard on the Standard and Test Methods of Kimchi Salt Farm Validation bonds was formed.

and finally, on the 24th, the international standard was finally approved by ISO after two months of voting. The Global Times explained that the meaning of this is that China’s kimchi industry has become the standard for the international kimchi market.

또 중국의 김치산업에 대한 기술표준이 세계적인 인정을 받은 것 이라고 말했다. It also said that some standard factors in Chinese kimchi production will become part of the international standard of the kimchi industry, and the kimchi industry will produce kimchi according to these standards.With a word of br><<>, he also argued that Chinese kimchi will greatly improve its status and influence in the international market, further developing China’s kimchi industry. The Global Times said one thing to note is that a Korean expert who prides himself on kimchi’s home country did not participate in the standard-setting process.

환구시보는 그러면서 지난 2017년 한국의 김치무역은 수입이 수출의 10배나 되는 등 한국은 김치 적자국이라고 지적했다. It also said that 99 percent of imported kimchi comes from China to depend on imports for 35 percent of kimchi consumed by South Korea.

환구시보는 당시 한국 언론이 이 같은 현실을 두고 “김치 종주국의 굴욕”이라고 보도하기도 했다고 전했다. The Global Times, led by China, selected the title of “International Standards for Kimchi Industry, Explosion of Korean Media: Embarrassing the Country of Kimchi Aborigines” to stimulate Korea.

또 한국은 2018년 김치산업 진흥 종합계획’을 발표하고 2016년 당시 65% 수준인 김치 자급률을 2022년까지는 70%로 끌어올리는 등 가격과 품질 경쟁력 제고 방안을 발표했으나, 최근 배추가격이 지난해 비해 40%가 뛰며 곤란한 상황에 빠져 있다고 말했다.
<> 보도했다 보도했다 보도했다 보도했다 보도했다 보도했다 보도했다 Korea is actively supplying kimchi from China for smooth supply of kimchi, so imported kimchi from China has also increased by 33.4% compared to the same period last year.

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