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The Songdo apartment incident where the motorcycle was blocked.


The Songdo apartment incident where the motorcycle was blocked.

When an apartment complex in Songdo International City, Incheon, blocked motorcycles from entering the ground, delivery workers decided to refuse to deliver to the complex with delivery agencies. The Brbrbr International Songdo Branch announced on the 26th that it will suspend deliveries to an apartment complex in Songdo International City, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon.In the brbrbr notice!One more way to prevent motorcycles from entering the ground is to limit generation calls on the first floor to induce motorcycles to the basement!Brbrbr also said that when ordering food from the generation, the first floor cannot be called, so please tell them that they have to go underground! Brbr delivery workers protested against such measures and asked for consultation with the apartment tenant’s representative meeting on the 23rd, but it was not accepted.Brbrbrrider asked the largest delivery agency in Songdo to stop delivering the apartment complex, and as the company accepted it, Brbrrrider Union explained that due to the nature of motorcycles, underground parking is slippery and experienced veteran riders often fall and suffer accidents on rainy days. Brbrire emphasized that if the delivery industry is essential, efforts should be made to agree and comply with realistic measures such as speed restrictions and designation of motorcycles in the complex, and that they want to solve the problem by consulting with the apartment complex at any time.Prior to brbrbr, some apartment complexes in Songdo International City, Incheon, where delivery motorcycles were restricted from entering the ground, had physical clashes between deliverymen and security guards.

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