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The reason why there’s no problem without sleeping technology in the US.


The reason why there's no problem without sleeping technology in the US.

The reason why there's no problem without sleeping technology in the US.

A more detailed end-
When the first North Korean nuclear crisis broke out in 1994, the South Korean government instructed us to make a nuclear latent reactor!

At the time, Russia was trying to dismantle the Soviet Union and convert military reactors into civilian ones for money and sell them.
– – A company that built Oscar, Taipei, and Acula class nuclear submarines during the Soviet Union.

Shin Jae-in, director of the Nuclear Research Institute, took $1 million in cash and bought a drawing of nuclear submarine reactors after a bold meeting with the Russian Minister of Nuclear Power. Since then, researchers have been dispatched to educate them, and all other related rights and ownership have been bought.

FYI, the Russian minister at this time!If you give me another $5 million, I’ll give you a nuclear bomb drawing!I made a secret offer, but I refused.

I bought it and showed it to the Ministry of National Defense, and the research cost was 48 billion won right away. For more than 10 years, I chewed, ripped, tasted, enjoyed, and even reverse-designed. It succeeded in creating 330,000 kW smart reactors that have grown in size for technology demonstration. Outside, it is promoted as a seawater desalination plant reactor.

However, the regime has changed over time, and the original latent drying plan has been temporarily suspended, reducing research costs and waiting with only made and made. If it had been the way it was, we were going to make a few more for testing. Of course, I didn’t just play, but I continued to improve.

Once the basic foundation was for submarines, it can be mounted on submarines as soon as the size is reduced.

So far, we have been waiting indefinitely in standby so that we can execute it immediately if the order is dropped.

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