image text translation
Also, young people in Seoul these days
I can’t forget to distinguish between Guol:
How to pronounce your pronunciation
I forgot:?!
The sound of the sound
a moment ago
As you can say, how to distinguish between T
Is there a lot of air:
A little bit of air
I don’t have time.
Please put it in
But the two consonants centered around young girls
‘I joined the same value of the vocal vibration vibration.
Following Lee Ye -ye, young men are also incomplete
In fact, it is not joined:
Conversation in general dialogue
Although joining
When you speak and speak, the example is
Bunyun is possible:
In other words, is there a lot of air?
It is becoming increasingly difficult to distinguish
Then, how is the young people in Seoul?
Do you distinguish between?
Amazing system Hyundai Seoul
The speakers
If you move it high, you can earn
If it is low, it will be judged:
If you are a young Seoul Ottagu, let’s read it once
Like this, Korean is really changing
uh? Are you angry?
500 years ago
It is a stone situation in Hangul.
Of course, Hangul is still in moderation
It’s well marked, so I go back;
And if the gap is greater in the future;
As if it was an outbreak in Korean, Hunminjeong
Hangul is also a new version
It will be less likely to change:
I don’t know and just then
It is good if it is a holiday:
v Hangul