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People Power
Conservative party in South Korea
green onion
The Power of Insurrection is a political party of the Republic of Korea. February 17, 2020, free
New Conservative Party, Future Future 4.0 | Integrate with Future Tong
It was not founded under the name of the party, and the name of the party was changed on September 2, 2020.
Changed to the power of civil war. On April 18, 2022, the People’s Party
It is compatible with the soil. An era will change on December 27, 2023
and the flood was justified.
power of civil war
symbolic color
Skirt Rub
party member
4,129,924 people
(Responsible party members: 795,727)1]
Emergency response committee chairman
Youngse Kwon
floor leader
Kwon Seong-dong
emergency response committee member
Im Ja, Choi Hyeong-du, Kim Yong-tae, Choi Bo
Secretary General
Yangsu Lee
Policy Committee Chairman
Kim Sang-hoon


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