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Japanese international marriage representative says Korea’s marriage culture is unfavorable to men


image text translation

Jueon Story
‘International marriage is more
“Jeonnon: In Japan, Korean men and Japanese women talk about each other.
“Professional matching service”
“We are operating a Korea-Japan international marriage information office.
“It’s called a chest robe.”
“I’m wearing my wife’s clothes.”
@I’m Japanese.”
“Korean (male) people are more popular than you think”
@I want to marry Japanese women.”
Hueon Story
‘This is Hyuoljungbari Jeokworo.
(International copy)
@Is there a reason?
“Ilbom women are very friendly with Korean people.
‘About Japanese women and Korean people’
“I also came away with a very positive perception.”
Toon Story
International copy of The Area
‘Japanese women
When you date, you have sex
‘Korean men always
A story?
‘(Japanese) women always (express gratitude)’
“I’ve been living with my wife for about a year.
@Even though it’s starting like this in a narrow space,
Also, without complaining to me,
Also, follow me below.
Toomin Story
Come on
@People who are very involved with those types of people
“It’s a lot”
“Yes, Korean man, maebeyo.”
I think it works
{That belief
Toomin Story
‘come out’
“As I see it, in the world
‘I would think that there are no good people.
“The only men who treat women that well are Korean men.

image text translation

International Marriage Mr. Lee
@The company wants to help match guests.
@Can you help me with the matching too?”
“We all just go through our consultation rate.”
{@I have no choice but to do matching.
Hueon Story
‘Carrus the Agear
‘A lot of women are signing up too.
“That’s about it.”
Toon Story
‘Power = dummy
‘I’m planning to marry men’
There are a lot”
It’s so weird
[Because there is a demand for it]
“Now I’m afraid of becoming a bad person.”
Well, now the Koreans are all crystal sahascenium people.”
“Are there a lot of them in Japan?7
I think there are about 3 or 4 places where algoronium is located.
Fighting Story
#So, if only T women get off.’
“Don’t you need to know how to do the daily fishing rate at the front gate?”
Hueon Story
Hanmuk’s eyes change their thoughts and Seokui-myeon is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one
Do the gukeoreum
Amum, Ilbom, I just need to meet a woman.”
‘Japanese women who want to learn Korean pronunciation are very confused.
“Is there a lot of rubbish from Tajalhaesemun?”
Huer Story
International call
“More than 50% of the members of Jeongjeongsa”
yo. this
Hueon Story
“(Korean language) Let’s get some
It’s a continent-
That’s right
Huburn Story
Go further
If anything goes wrong, we will arrange a video meeting first.”
“@On a video meeting
in my heart
“They say there isn’t any.”
“If that happens, the counseling center will teach each other about the contact loss rate.”
‘At that time, we met with water.
@word action

image text translation

Hueon Story
“Is it like a success orb turned upside down?”
@Jehinium I don’t smell any moisture at night.”
@Only matching?”
I have to take it
Two Face Story
“Is there a reason you thought business was going well?”
Hueon Story
Jeil Team Gunium in Korea
Korean men”
@My wife is the one who didn’t get married.”
“There are so many people who can’t do it.”
“I’m having trouble finding a Korean yesteryear partner.
Hueon Story
“Is the snow too high? Or .
I’m thinking hard
Dan/I’m going to start in the room.”
Snow in Korea (Jipi) 20 pyeong of rented paper
“A prize or something”
@I want to start something like that
It goes around a lot
@Korea because of that
I feel burdened
“(Hanyuk) The woman is slightly looking upwards at marriage.”
Toon Story
international marriage more
“If you look at it, it is difficult to match (eyes are big?)”
Toomin Story
international marriage
Word of God Son D_
There are a lot
Among those who signed up, there are about 4 Korean decision makers.”
“Just look at it and there are a lot of people from Oh Se-moon.”
Humin Story
@Then do you think Japanese Yesung people think that the month is more important?”
“% more than ability”
Two Face Story
The International Collaboration The Area
‘When I see it’
“Appearance frame =
A brave geojo?
@Is it true?

image text translation

Afterword story
International Loves The Area
@Now it’s more difficult
“Are you a girl then?”
(New number from Lunar New Year to upload)
Resident story production}
Owned object] part word B
“It can change depending on how you take care of it.
“I’m not talking about a handsome guy.”
“Does the look suit your taste?”
“There is no one like that among the members, but he is 45 years old.
I’m not good at managing it.
“It’s not raw like a good-looking guy, but take good care of your skin.”
“The hair and hairstyle are very stylish”
“There is no one who can do it.
“He gets along well with people in the middle of the three gates.”
Humin Story
International Village The Irimer
“Maintenance is essential, take care of your appearance.”
Hueon Story
International duels the area
@But to some extent, Japanese women are also capable.
Don’t you think so?”
“Of course I choose you”
“But it’s time to get married.”
“How much did your parents spend on property?”
mThere is no such thing.”
“That person is strong in nature.”
“What happens to people’s abilities?”
[La Bunmidae Inlolulmnanstoravm
International Hwasu Area
“But then, ask a Japanese woman.”
“When signing up for a marriage information company”
“Is it okay if it’s broad daylight?”
“Yes ladies.
“It’s okay to be unemployed.”
“But men need to have a half-water-tax job.
Hueon Story
International decision_ The Area
“Then men should be able to speak English well.”
“It’s easy to do this.”
“In the case of our company, the minimum annual salary is 40 million won.”
“Why don’t I have 40 million won?
“At least 1-2 times a month”
‘Whether or not I can travel to Japan (I saw this) =


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