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“I won’t let you get pregnant” Teenagers raped and broadcast live


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“I won’t let you get pregnant” Teenagers go to sex and broadcast live
Entered 2025.01.17 Oru 4.05
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Reporter Tong Soo-hyeon
Daejeon High Court, same as the first trial, long-term prison sentence of 10 years – short-term sentence of 7 years
[Edaily Reporter Hong Soo-hyun] A high school student who went to the sex and even broadcasted live while confining his peers was sentenced to a heavy sentence in the appeals court.
I will be sentenced to come.

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Daejeon High Court Criminal Division (Presiding Judge Park Jin-hwan) ruled against the Act on Child and Adolescent Sexual Protection in court room 316 on the morning of the 17th.
A (17), who was indicted for criminal offenses such as rape, causing serious injury, and assault, was sentenced to the same prison sentence as the first trial: 10 years in prison and 7 years in short.
The court said on this day, “If you look at the indecent assault part that the defendant complained about, he is sufficiently guilty,” and “If you look at the original judgment,
Regarding the confidentiality of the victim’s statement, there are no circumstances to acknowledge that it is unreliable or unfair, and it is objective.
“I see it,” he said.
He continued, “The sentencing was also judged based on the evidence submitted by the first trial judge, and it was deemed to be outside of reasonable limits in determining the sentence.
“It is difficult to do so,” he said. “In the case of carryover, it is ruled that it is reasonable to respect the original judgment.”
In the early morning of October 14th last year, Mr. A assaulted and detained Ms. C, a female student of the same age, with six friends at a model in Jung-gu, Daejeon.
And hand it over to the trial with great wisdom:
At the time, they said, “They beat Ms. C on her face and stomach and sexually harassed her, claiming that they would prevent her from getting pregnant. In the process, they assaulted Ms. C.”
He filmed himself naked and broadcast the scene of his sexual assault through a video call with an acquaintance:

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