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‘Passed by the Legislative and Judiciary Committee before the Lunar New Year holiday’
Democratic Party Awards
Revision of the law
Entered 2025.01.16. 12.20pm
Original text of article
Reporter Ryu Seung-yeon
Rep. Oh Ki-hyung says, “There is no basis for concerns in the business world about overuse of the Sovereign word” .. Original draft
goal of passing
‘And with justice
Commercial law revision
Three things to do
Lee Jae-myung, leader of the Democratic Party of Korea, held a Democratic Party meeting at the National Assembly on the morning of the 79th of last month.
Policy Debate: How can we revise the commercial law of a happy and just Republic of Korea?
Attending a debate and speaking
Nam Soyeon
Policy rate bait?
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The main goal of the Democratic Party of Korea’s framework for expanding directors’ duty of loyalty is
It was decided to speed up the discussion on ‘commercial law revision’ again: before the Lunar New Year holiday.
The Legislation and Judiciary Committee of the National Assembly passes the bill.
There are no new goals for rice fields:
Previously, the Democratic Party revised the Commercial Act with the goal of passing the plenary session in December.
The plan was pushed forward, but was stopped due to the ‘12.3 meteorite fever civil war incident’.
After mixing, the recent public hearings and other related discussions were spurred.
There is
“The goal is to pass the Legislative and Judiciary Committee before the Lunar New Year.. We will proceed without delay.”
Serves as head of the Stock Market Revitalization Task Force (TF) within the Democratic Party
Representative Oh Ki-hyung said in a phone call with
Seo said, “The TF’s position is to proceed without delay (to revise the Commercial Act).”
He stated, “The goal is to pass the Legislative and Judiciary Committee before the Lunar New Year holiday.”
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The amendment to the commercial law proposed by the Democratic Party reflects the ‘loyalty’ of company directors.
The key is to expand the scope to include general shareholders.
While directors prioritized the interests of controlling shareholders,
In the decision-making process, decisions are made that harm minority shareholders.
Allda is aware of the problem. In addition, the bill stipulates a ‘concentrated voting system’.
It also contains mandatory information when shareholders appoint directors.
You can vote for a specific candidate in proportion to the voting rights you have.
If the law is passed, minority shareholders will be appointed to the board of directors.
Influence on gender increases: You just have to let go of your ‘vested interests’
The opposition from the business community is also formidable.
Let’s save the Korean stock market and save the economy. Don’t just shout it out loud, just agree to this.