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Have you ever heard the words ‘anal temmae’? Analonma is the time of year when the sun is visible in the sky.
This refers to the counting that appears when records are recorded at the same time every day. When viewed from Earth, Analonma is shaped like the number 8.
I’m doing this. However, they say that the shape of analomas on other planets is completely different. Why is that?
yo. this?
The Earth’s analism is due to the tilt of the Earth’s axis and its elliptical shape.
This is a phenomenon that occurs because of this. But angry
Because these tilts and degrees on Venus and Mars are different from those on Earth, the sun’s phases have different shapes.
appears as . For example, Mars’ analoma is shaped like a slightly tilted egg and is similar to that of Venus.
A shape close to a circle appears. These differences reflect the planet’s axial tilt and orbital characteristics.
It provides important clues to study the planet’s environment and seasonal changes over two days.