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The current power of the Corona Delta mutation.


The current power of the Corona Delta mutation.

The current power of the Corona Delta mutation.
The current power of the Corona Delta mutation.
The current power of the Corona Delta mutation.
The current power of the Corona Delta mutation.
The current power of the Corona Delta mutation.
The current power of the Corona Delta mutation.
The current power of the Corona Delta mutation.
The current power of the Corona Delta mutation.
According to the
-medium script, the corona delta mutation propagation power is 3.2 times higher than that of non-variant viruses.

-The radio wave power is so strong that there are cases of Guangzhou, China infected in 14 seconds and 45 seconds in the bathroom.

-According to researchers in Guangdong, China, unexplained Wuhan Corona tested positive for 6 days, and delta mutated Wuhan Corona tested positive in just 4 days, which is up to 1260 times higher than the undecided virus detected in infected people.
High virus detection is also a high risk of airborne transmission
-Delta mutations are more similar to colds, making it difficult to recognize
-Delta variations can increase the severity of the alpha variations, and some treatments are not accepted.

-But vaccination is good because it only reduces the rate of prevention, but it also works on delta mutations.

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