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Kids change the location of the charging port of the Magic Mouse.
Design continued since 2009
Phil BarkerfFulure Publishing Via Gelty Images
Kids change the location of the Magic Mouse’s charging port.
According to Mark Gurman, an Apple expert source from
It is reported that a prototype of a new Magic Mouse is under development. Inon has a charging port at the bottom of the device.
It is said that this is to compensate for the disadvantage of not being able to use the mouse while charging. In addition, Apple
The design of the Magic Mouse, which has remained unchanged since its first launch in 2009, is expected to undergo major revisions.
Apple recently applied a USB-C port to the Magic Mouse instead of the LightNim connector port, but the charging port location is
The discomfort that comes with it does not improve.
Apple’s Magic Mouse is expected to be released in at least 12-18 months.
The existing magic mouse is
There is a charging port on the mouse, so you can’t mix it up when charging.
The charging port location will be changed in the next generation Magic Mouse scheduled to be released in 2026.
Do it
Change charging port location
Rhubarb Apple