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Baktor Yashinsky (32 years old)
I went into the beauty salon with a pistol on my knee to rob the money.
They threaten people and tell them to give up money.
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Hair salon owner Olga Zazak (28)
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I have a second degree in karate.
He pretended to give me money and put foot grease in my solar plexus.
After Park Lorrok’s stunning strike
I asked people to leave for today because they called the police.
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But Olga didn’t call the police.
They went to the Baktorok warehouse and tied me naked to a chair.
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After three days, Olga gave Lor Park 1,000 rubles (10,000
Won) He gave me a hand and told me to buy food and let him go.
(1000 Rupees in Russia is quite a bit of money; about 10
value of 10,000 won)
Lor Park immediately rushed to the hospital and treated his penis first.
I was so shaken that I reported to the police that I had been raped.
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Olga said that I would make money and that we would have fun together.
Saijeungge was arrested