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The reason why the story of Incheon Airport privatization was included.


image text translation

As of 2016, the capital was 3.6178 trillion won.
Shareholder name
share ratio
government of the republic of korea
For reference, the Korean government has been receiving dividends from Incheon Airport for the past 10 years.
Raise the number of KRW 1.8 trillion and collect about KRW 2 trillion in corporate taxes.
all. In particular, the dividend received by the government in 2018 was a whopping 472.4 billion won.
In other words, of the 1.46 trillion won in operating profit earned in 2017, corporate tax and tax
The government of the Republic of Korea took more than 800 billion won from the money alone.
The Korean government announced that it would increase the dividend payout ratio of public enterprises to 40%.
Since it was announced, more than 300 billion won has been received from Incheon Airport since then.
It is expected that the company will receive dividends. The attitude of pulling out a bong. that

Ministry of Finance: No, even if you suck, you can make a lump sum of money by selling loss-making or marginal companies.

A public enterprise that extracts hundreds of billions of won?

In fact, since Incheon International Airport Corporation is a company that generates net profits in trillions, not sales, no government has officially mentioned privatization since it was normalized.

No matter how much you want to shoehorn, there has to be a reason.

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