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JTBC exclusive


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JTBC exclusive
“You can follow the instructions of the Secret Service”
“They say it’s hard for hardliners to withstand the clouds.”
Now, bored by the National Security Agency, Un Seok-yeol blocks the President’s residence.
The guarding military force is the Subangsa 55th Guards Division.
According to the Ministry of National Defense: “You may not follow illegal instructions from the National Security Agency.”
JTBC coverage confirms that this is the position.
In addition to the police, even the military virtually rejected the president’s mobilization.
Now, in order to protect the official residence, only some bodyguards are left behind:
In addition, the frontline security officers are holding on to their positions due to job constraints.
It is said that the president is perplexed by his persistence.
Details will be provided on News Top at 6:30 pm:
25.1 8


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