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The main seat of the vampire genre


image text translation

I)raic ulil
Bran Stoker’s short story
Lee Se-um Kim


Although it is not the beginning


vampire genre

It completes itself.

A person bitten by a vampire becomes a vampire.

Vampires are nobles who live in castles.

The people under the castle are afraid of vampires and are exploited.

Female vampire wives also appear.

The protagonist escapes from the vampire castle

Vampires are weak to flowing water.

Vampires can transform

Vampires can manipulate animals

Vampire sleeps in a coffin

Vampires get their strength from the earth

There are also human servants who serve vampires.

The agony experienced by a heroine bitten by a vampire

Kill a comrade who was corrupted by a vampire bite

A heroine who was corrupted by a vampire.

Vampires can control people by feeding them blood.

Vampires’ weakness is the sun.

But it doesn’t mean you can’t walk in the sun

Vampires are weak to crosses, eucharists, and garlic.

A vampire expert hunter appears.

A vampire lord trying to conquer the world

Tracking down vampires lurking in the city.

Must be killed by driving a stake through the heart

image text translation

Hehe, I already wrote all of these.

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