image text translation
2 days
Father, this is a different story, but in our Catholic Church, we call the Virgin Mary
Do you say “command in the name of Mary”?
I’m asking the Virgin Mary to pray with me.
I don’t want to deify you
Movie coming out in January next year
It is said, “Command in the name of our Lord Jesus.”
Not “with Christ,” but “with the Lord Jesus Christ.”
Although there is no historical evidence, “In the name of the Virgin Mary,
The line “I command you” is even more puzzling.
in protestantism
There are people who criticize the Catholic Church for believing in Mary.
I think those voices will get louder through the movie.
There were a lot of comments from believers expressing their concerns. I was curious.
I ask!
Kcatholic_christian 2 daysimage text translation
I don’t even know if it’s in the exorcism ceremony.
Not used in general prayers
In fact, the authority of the exorcism ‘ceremony’ lies with the priest.
(Difference between exorcism and exorcism ceremony) How in the movie
I don’t know if it will come out. I can only review the black priests.
There are parts that are not done properly
A movie is just a movie
Questions like this are
@frsimonlee Dear Father
Source: Father’s Thread
Since he is not the director who made Black Priests, does he seem to have ignored all historical research?