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Hyeontaonda is a Japanese Rendal girlfriend.
I’m sincere – yes
I’m going to Japan alone to hang out with Rendal’s girlfriend for 8 hours.
This friend also liked my personality and asked me to come back to Japan next time.
We told each other not to go and we really sincerely said this to each other.
I felt sorry
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I felt sincere, so I extended the stay until the next day and provided accommodation.
Hold me
I wondered if they could really get along like this, but even
Up to personal number
Even when we break up, we feel sorry for each other like real lovers.
Two weeks later, I took a long vacation and called as soon as I went to Japan.
They ask me to make a reservation through rental, but I feel betrayed by the cost price.
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I feel like my heart is sinking. I’m really depressed. 0
I couldn’t sleep for two weeks because I was so excited that I left Japan.
I think the conversation and sincere looks could all be acting.
Because I eat it
My heart is so broken and I just cry.