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Fun facts about birds


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Birds are meritorious:
It is not another creature that is a descendant of Gongkong, but it is just Gongkong that has survived to this day.
It is a paper:
The concave eyes are common, just as the Tyrannosaurus and Trichyratops are common:
2 Among the birds, 609 species belong to the passerine order:
Passerines include spittlebirds, crows, swallows, and blackbirds:
3. The largest living bird is the ostrich:
Ostriches have incredible eyesight.
The maximum visibility is said to be around 2okm:
This is about the distance from Seoul City Hall to Seongnam City Hall.
In theory, ostriches are a dangerous thing coming from Seongnam in Seoul.
can run away
The smallest living bird is the hummingbird:
Hummingbirds, famous for their incredible flight skills, are the smallest birds in the world.
Even among common birds, nothing smaller than a hummingbird has been found.
Hummingbirds are also the smallest bean in the world.
5. The bird with the largest population today is the chicken:
As of 2016, there are at least 22.5 billion chickens on Earth.
This number accounts for more than 70% of the total bird population on Earth:
As of 2016, more than 66 billion animals are slaughtered for food each year.
It is estimated that
Because the lifespan of edible snails is much shorter than 1 year, they produce fewer fish per year than the entire population.
There are more sheep slaughtered:
“The most recent common ancestor between Trichylatops and nearby birds”
Sang and his descendants”:
If you go up until you reach the common ancestor of birds and Trichylatops, you will see all of the world.
This means that there is a common ancestor of all empty beans.


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