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[Breaking News] Flowers “emergency industry implemented national measures”
“We convey our serious concerns to the Korean government.”
Entered 2025.07.06. 2.44pm
Original text of article
Reporter Park Seok-ho
C)) Gaga [A
Secretary of State Bulimkorn Flower revealed at a joint press conference
U.S. Secretary of State Tony Bullimken attended the Government Summit in Jongno-gu, Seoul on the 6th.
A joint flag was held after the ROK-US foreign ministers’ meeting at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the government building.
I’m holding a self-conference. Yonhap News
U.S. Secretary of State Tony Bullimken said on the 6th, “President Un Seok-yeol
(The United States) has serious concerns about the (emergency) measures of the
It is said, “I delivered what I had to say.”
On this day, Minister Bulimkorn met with Minister of Foreign Affairs Cho Tae-yeol and ROK-U.S.
At a joint press conference held after the foreign ministers’ meeting,
He also stated, “The resilience of democracy in the Republic of Korea is strong.”
He added, “I do.”
Does Jo Tae-yeol’s head hurt?
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Why did you wave the American flag and fall asleep?